After years of rumors regarding a cinematic sequel to Jumper, a TV series based on the original novel is now moving forward. Back in 1992, Steven Gould penned his seminal sci-fi story Jumper, following a group of characters with the ability to teleport across great distances at will. The book gained popularity over the years, spawning sequels and eventually landing a film adaptation in 2008. Sadly for fans, the film was poorly received and its underperformance at the box office threw the franchise’s future into question.

That said, the years have still brought with them plenty of rumors that a sequel to the film would arrive. Nothing concrete was confirmed, however, until last year. That’s when news broke of a YouTube Red series dubbed Impulse that would focus on a new set of characters within the same world. Earlier this summer, more information regarding the project finally emerged, with the show gaining the pedigree of Doug Liman (Edge of Tomorrow) and the minds behind shows like Luke Cage and Lost. Now, it looks as if Impulse won’t be the only series to be based on Gould’s universe.

Deadline is reporting that a Jumper TV series is in the works under the leadership of Jamie Bell (Turn) and Julian Simpson (Doctor Who). They’ll be developing the project with Lionsgate, StudioCanal, and New Regency, adding some gravitas to the proposed series.

Bell is best known as an actor in films like Billy Elliot and the most recent Fantastic Four — where he played Ben Grimm. He also happens to have co-starred in the original Jumper alongside Hayden Christensen. Next, he’ll be producing the indie film Teen Spirit. At this point, there’s no telling if he’ll be producing the show or acting in it, but he certainly brings some unique insight into the project.

Simpson, meanwhile, is quite familiar with genre TV. He’s directed a number of Doctor Who episodes and wrote and directed for the MI-5 television series. Between his experience and Bell’s, the Jumper series could prove to be a much better adaptation of Gould’s work than the film was.

The report fails to mention the Impulse series (despite Deadline breaking both stories), so it appears the two shows won’t be related. That said, the simultaneous development of two shows based on Gould’s Jumper world could mean a shared universe is in the future. If not, there will at least be two separate chances for the characters and stories from the books to be explored. For fans of the novels, the Jumper TV series could be just what they’ve been waiting for all these years.

Next: Jamie Bell Was Disappointed by Fantastic Four

Source: Deadline