Jane Gloriana Villanueva is known as a compassionate, fiercely loyal, and good person. But the protagonist of Jane the Virgin has her flaws. She makes her fair share of mistakes, but her friends and family still love her. She’s not quick to own up when she’s wrong, but she always tries her best.

While characters like Petra, Xiomara and Rogelio are known for their wild antics and big mistakes, Jane often keeps them grounded. When it’s Jane’s turn to mess up, they have her back just like she has theirs. Here are the 10 worst things Jane ever did on the show.

Nearly Got Lina to Cancel Her Wedding

When Jane’s best friend Lina had second thoughts about marrying her fiance Danny, she asked Jane to step in and suss out if he was the right guy for her. At first, she hesitated, but because Lina begged, Jane agreed. She spent an afternoon with the accountant and found him rather boring.

But she didn’t learn the right things because she didn’t ask the right questions. She should have trusted her gut instinct and stayed out of Lina and Danny’s relationship. Her meddling nearly cost them their nuptials.

Dictated Rafael’s Parenting

Rafael always abided by Jane’s rules when it came to raising Mateo. He often gave in because he was in love with her, but once their dynamic changed, he started to push back. It got so bad they called in a lawyer to mediate terms.

When Rafael wanted to take Mateo for a month in the summers, Jane flat out refused. Rafael countered that it was a tradition he and his dad partook in when he was a kid and he wanted to give Mateo the same experience.

Pushed Lina Away After Michael Died

During her mourning for Michael, Jane was not an ideal friend. Lina called her one day after her first big fight with Danny, but Jane dismissed the matter as unimportant, stating she wished she could have one more day to argue with Michael.

Lina felt invalidated and stopped confiding in Jane after that, forcing the latter to push her away. Jane had a right to grieve Michael, but that didn’t give her the right to be a bad friend. Thankfully, the two made up sitting on a bathroom floor, as was their custom.

Used Fabian

Jane started dating her father’s telenovela co-star for a fling, but Fabian wanted a deeper, more meaningful relationship. Despite knowing this, she led him on and convinced him to give up his self-imposed celibacy so she could have sex.

On the day she decided she wanted to break up with him, she saw he had access to the white horses Xiomara desperately wanted for her and Rogelio’s wedding. Instead of breaking up, she asked him to be her date to get what she needed for her mom’s dream wedding.

Dated Rafael Immediately After Breaking Up With Michael

When Jane became pregnant with Rafael’s baby from accidental artificial insemination, her feelings got muddled. She was still in love with Michael but she wanted to find out what could be with Rafael. Unsure of her feelings, she gave Michael back his ring and insisted they couldn’t get married.

While that broke Michael’s heart, it was the right thing to do. But she then went to Rafael and immediately started dating him. She got swept up in the romance and didn’t give her and Michael’s relationship a proper grieving time.

Judged Petra’s Parenting

While Jane doted on Mateo and maybe indulged him a little much, Petra disciplined her twin girls when necessary and treated them like little adults. Jane always judged the twins’ unchildlike behavior, thinking Petra’s parenting harsh.

She and Alba often commented on how hands-off Petra was because she relied a great deal on her nannies for the twins’ rearing. That judgmental eye never turned on Jane though as she relied on her own network for raising Mateo with the help of her mother and grandmother.

Prejudiced Against the Wealthy

Jane was raised in a low-income household and therefore learned frugality and budgeting. But Rafael always had money and never lacked for the necessities. Jane didn’t want Rafael spoiling Mateo, but Rafael didn’t see giving his son what he could afford as spoiling. He saw it as providing for his family.

Jane often looked down on those with money, seeing them as selfish and entitled. She even got mad when she found out Rafael had a trust fund for Mateo. He saw it as assuring his son a future free of financial worry.

Yelled At Another Mom

Mateo went through a biting phase, but Jane didn’t want to believe it at first. When she saw another child hitting her son she went into full mom mode and yelled at that kid’s mom for not controlling her child. But when that mother confronted Jane about Mateo’s biting habit, Jane argued back that Mateo was not a biter.

Until the moment Mateo bit her, she wouldn’t believe her son wasn’t a perfect little angel. She swallowed the bitter pill that her son had a bad habit.

Freaked Out When Adam Came Out

Jane started dating her high school sweetheart Adam a few years after Michael’s death. But she learned something new about him that she didn’t know back then: Adam was bisexual. She freaked out and started imagining him flirting with every man they encountered out on their dates or hanging out with his friends at his apartment.

For someone who often fought those with closed minds, Jane showed a narrow way of thinking herself. Her aversion to Adam’s bisexuality proved that Jane had a lot of growing up to do.

Stalked Rafael

When Michael returned from the dead, Jane left for Montana with him for a time to find out if they should still be married. Rafael couldn’t take the heartbreak and called off their relationship for good. When Jane came back, she wanted a second chance, but Raf wasn’t ready to be romantic with her again so soon.

Rather than respect his boundaries and give him space, Jane followed him and staked out his house to try to talk to him. She exhibited behavior that, if done by a man, would have immediately been perceived as stalking.