Not only that but for the first time, Nintendo will be partnering with another company in order to promote its products! Niantic already stated that they would increase the revenue created by the in-app purchases by allowing businesses and locations to become gyms for a fee – and as we understand it, McDonalds will be the first company to take advantage of this offer! Over 3,000 of their restaurants across Japan will become Pokemon Gyms for any and all that wish to challenge and claim them.
If this scheme works well and produces a marked increase in profits for McDonalds in these locations, we could see it replicated across the world – allowing businesses of all sorts to register as a Gym. Often we’re seeing reports of businesses that are investing in lures in order to increase their profit from any would-be trainer, now we can see the next step in incorporating Pokemon Go into other businesses and our day-to-day lives.
This could be the beginning of official partnerships, with the potential for these companys to have special events at their locations. Who knows what the future may hold if Pokemon Go keeps up this momentum.