Many are eagerly anticipating the second trailer for the upcoming Justice League film, as even Logan director James Mangold has taken to asking Zack Snyder for a new look at the superhero team-up. With any luck, the second trailer will afford audiences a better look at the sort of camaraderie that will be on display as the heroes band together for the first time to take down a threat the couldn’t hope to handle on their own. And as audiences are well aware, the key to a good superhero team-up film is having chemistry between the various performers.

According to Jason Momoa, the actor who will bring Aquaman to life, the co-star he got on best with during the shoot was none other than The Flash, portrayed by Ezra Miller.

As Momoa said in a quick-fire Q&A with THR, his favorite co-star during filming on Justice League was Miller, because he became like his “little brother”. While this revelation offers an amusing insight into the production of the film, it’s unclear whether or not this relationship between actors will translate to the way the characters will interact onscreen. Though frequently depicted as one of the more sociable “classic” members of the Justice League in comics and on television, Momoa’s Aquaman has thus far been presented as a more distant, unfriendly type of character in early advertising.

It also raises the issue of exactly how the League will interact overall. Traditionally, the Justice League is comprised of the top “grown-up” heroes of the DC Universe, who work together out of a sense of shared responsibility and are usually on the same page. Most early indications, however, point to the film version following the same formula as The Avengers, which featured heroes who don’t initially get along or work well together having to learn to work as a team under pressure in order to prevent an impending calamity of epic proportions.

Set to be released in November 2017, Justice League will follow Ben Affleck’s Batman and Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman as they seek to quickly assemble a team of super-powered individuals (including Aquaman, The Flash, and Cyborg) to head off an attack by the intergalactic supervillain Steppenwolf, spinning off from the events of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and involving the mysterious alien artifacts known as “Mother Boxes.”

Momoa’s comments regarding his on-set friendship with Miller (as well as his first reactions to meeting Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot) make it sound as though production on the upcoming blockbuster was an enjoyable experience. Hopefully that experience will translate into an exciting trip to the theater for those in the audience.

Source: THR

  • wonder woman Release Date: 2017-06-02 The Batman Release Date: 2022-03-04 The Flash Movie Release Date: 2023-06-23 Aquaman Release Date: 2018-12-21 Justice League Release Date: 2017-11-17