Fresh off the reunion between Peter Parker and the MCU, Spider-Man: Far From Home is swinging into home release on October 1st. In order to celebrate the film, stars JB Smoove and Martin Starr joined Screen Rant on a magical bus ride and chatted about their characters, their field trip around the world, and their tumultuous journey both in and out of the MCU.

Tell me about filming Far From Home. What it’s like to travel around the world for film of this scale?

I heard Prague cavity searches can be an ordeal.

JB Smoove: Oh, man. It’s amazing.

Martin Starr: Paid vacation.

JB Smoove: Right? The thing that saved Martin and I, I think, is we have a clean record. So, we didn’t have any problems coming into other countries. If we had any issues –

Martin Starr: Until that one incident in Prague

JB Smoove: Prague! That’s the only thing that happened. Slowed us down a little bit, but they didn’t hold us for long. They checked us; no cavity search.

Martin Starr: Thank goodness.

JB Smoove: Nothing requiring gloves going into any orifice of the body.

The kids in the film – Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Jacob Batalon in particular – seem to have great energy. Do you have funny stories of working with them during rehearsals or during the press tours? 

JB Smoove: It was something else, man. That’s where the term Prague came from! They Prague you.

Martin Starr: They Prague you.

JB Smoove: They Prague the hell out of you.

Martin Starr: You don’t want to get Pragued.

JB Smoove: Especially when you bounce from country to country. We went to London for a few months. We went to Prague; we went to Venice. Man, we went everywhere. We had a good time.

Martin Starr: Now we’re on a bus.

JB Smoove: Now we’re on a bus, doing our own field trip.

Question for you, Martin. Your character actually appeared in the MCU, in The Incredible Hulk. 

JB Smoove: Oh, man.

Martin Starr: We had a great time working with them.

JB Smoove: We has a great time!

Martin Starr: Did you do another thing with Jacob and Tom? Or was it just Tom that was in the Audi thing that you did?

JB Smoove: Just Tom was in the Audi commercial for Spider-Man: Homecoming, which led to me being in Spider-Man: Far From Home. So, yeah, we had a great time. We spent a lot of time in the car, in the Audi, which was sponsored in the movie. We spent a lot of time in the car together, talking about all kinds of stuff. But that was my first time meeting him, and we kicked it. And this was the beginning of a relationship that I think led to me being in Far From Home. I’m honored.

Could your character from Hulk appear in the MCU, independent of Spider-Man movies?

Martin Starr: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

How did hearing the news of Spider-Man, Sony and the MCU affect you guys, if at all?

Martin Starr: Time will tell.

A super teacher. 

JB Smoove: It’s one of those things where we want the creativity to continue; we want the amazing characters to continue. Hopefully our characters will come back, no matter in what capacity. We would love some powers!

Martin Starr: Yeah, that’s fun.

JB Smoove: If Marvel would give us powers, maybe. We always talk about merging our two characters together, Harrington and Dell, and call them Dellington.

Martin Starr: Two heads on one body.

JB Smoove: Mr. Dell and Mr. Harrington together.

Martin Starr: We talk about it all the time.

JB Smoove: Merge together into one being!

Have you guys gotten any word about the next installment of Spider-Man at all? 

JB Smoove: Super Teacher! Or a supervillain. Put it out there, Marvel. Dellington; one person, like a mixed-race hero. Merged together, you’d get something like… How about Latte Man? Latte Man! That’s a great name for a hero.

Martin Starr: He sounds delicious.

At the end of the film, Spider-Man is revealed as a criminal for a crime he didn’t commit, and he’s outed as Peter Parker. As your characters, how do you guys feel about this?

Martin Starr: No. I would imagine there are plans being made, but we’re not privy to them yet. Hopefully we become privy to them at some point.

JB Smoove: Yeah, hopefully they let us know. Because we would love to. What happens in these movies is you get it on its feet, and you find out – you know, I think Martin and I had amazing chemistry on camera.

Martin Starr: We still do. Not to brag.

JB Smoove: And we still do! Even off camera. Not to brag about our chemistry, but our chemistry is pretty damn good.

Martin Starr: The whole time, JB was like, “What about the teachers? We need to do a Teachers TV show.”

JB Smoove: We enjoyed the process. I would think, as long as these kids don’t all come back with beards, the teachers will be relevant. Unless those kids have kids.

Martin Starr: We can raise them. We can handle that.

Has your perception of comic book movies changed since joining the Spider-Man franchise?

Martin Starr: Arrest him, right?

JB Smoove: Yeah.

Martin Starr: Throw him in jail.

JB Smoove: Throw him in prison. We’re pretty honest in our opinions here.

Martin Starr: That’s it; cut and dry.

JB Smoove: Some of these answers are just one-line answers. We don’t got to elaborate too much on the law.

Martin Starr: The law’s the law.

JB Smoove: We don’t waver too much on that part.

Which What If book is your favorite? 

Martin Starr: I don’t know. It just gets more exciting to watch them, to be honest. It’s fun to be a part of the process and get to see more of how they’re made. It’s super fun.

JB Smoove: I get excited every time I see what’s coming and what they’re working on, whether it’s 2020 or 2024. They kind of give you a full spectrum of what’s coming, and I get excited. These are all characters I grew up on. Earlier, I talked about [Namor] the Sub-Mariner, and how much I loved him.

Me and Martin have already thrown it out into the universe that we would love to play Power Man and Iron Fist.

Martin Starr: Or Dellington. One or the other.

JB Smoove: Or Latte Man. I’ll be happy with Latte Man.

I love Power Man and Iron Fist; it’s one of my favorite books. As much as I love the Avengers, the X-Men, the Defenders, and all the other superhero teams – I also love the solos. When Thing had his book, Wolverine had his book, Falcon and his book, Power Man and Iron Fist had theirs.

I like all the solo ones, because they break off a little bit. They do 10 books, and then kind of go away. Even the whole What If series, I love that one.

Me, too. You guys are amazing. Thank you so much for your time.

JB Smoove: Oh, man. I think was one involving the Fantastic Four. I believe it was a what if about them going into space, or something happened. I think they got different powers.

I always love those, because as a comic book enthusiast, you kind of always wish things could be different. You always wonder what would happen if the characters were introduced differently.

I’m looking forward to it, and I’m hoping they’re going to do Sub-Mariner.

More: Watch the Spider-Man: Far From Home Gag Reel

Spider-Man: Far From Home is now available on Blu-ray and digital.

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