The recently released Jedi: Fallen Order provides an immersive Star Wars title that allows die-hard fans of the series a medium to experience what it means to be a Jedi Knight. The game features a highly in-depth combat system while allowing players to explore a number of vast and mysterious worlds. Hosting a wide array of collectibles, hidden paths, and an engaging campaign, Jedi Fallen Order embodies the spirit of what makes Star Wars as a franchise such a captivating series. Among the multitude of avenues that a player can navigate Fallen Order presents players the difficult challenge of finding and killing the 4 Legendary Beasts.

Fallen Order is equipped with a broad variety of different enemy types that have been featured in the long-standing franchise. From Sith Lords to Storm Troopers, Fallen Order provides a fan of the series a wide variety of enemies to cut down. Aside from certain bosses the enemies that stand atop the heap are the 4 Legendary Beasts. These creatures, as their name implies, are rare enemy types that are cleverly hidden away in certain parts of given worlds. These enemies are as difficult as they are hard to find and will test a player’s skills. This guide will provide a general overview of how to defeat each Beast and where to find them in their given world.

Finding Oggdo Bogdo in Jedi Fallen Order

The first of these 4 Legendary Beasts is the bulbous Oggdo Bogdo. This creature is found on the planet Bogano and is one of the easiest of the 4 Beasts to defeat.

To find Oggdo players must head to the abandoned workshop. Once in front of the abandoned building make a hard right and you will find some traversable pipes. Follow these pipes until you come face to face with a tunnel path. Head through the underground route until you find a cave with an opening overhead. Inside this cave, you will find the dangerous Oggdo waiting for you.

Alternatively, you can take a longer path to reach Oggdo by traversing the hills above his cavern domain. This will allow players to drop down on the large beast and score an early chunk of damage before the battle truly begins. Either way, be prepared for a subjectively difficult boss battle when facing the seemingly easy enemy.

The major key to defeating Oggdo is to hit the large beast quickly and stay moving. Don’t let the creatures large size fool you, he is hypermobile and can dish out large chunks of damage to an unsuspecting player. His major weakness is his large tongue, so stay moving and when prompted to chop off the creature’s tongue.

Finding Albino Wyyyschokk in Jedi Fallen Order

The second of the 4 Legendary Beasts is the intimidating Albino Wyyschakk. This large spider-like creature is found on the planet Kashyyk.

Finding Wyyyschokk is relatively simple. The creature is extremely close to the Imperial Refinery and only requires a player to head towards the Prison section where the Wookies are captured and jump up to a tall platform on the way. On this platform, you will find a save point, which will serve as a marker illustrating you are on the right path. Head through a dark tunnel-like entrance and follow the sounds of storm-troopers fighting. Once you reach a pit-like area you will find the large spider with a slew of dead storm-troopers surrounding the creature.

As you begin to fight Wyyyschokk be sure to target its large back-side in order to deal with optimal damage to the large beast. This will serve as your primary method of attacking the beast. The fight will end with a dramatic cut scene of the player stabbing the aforementioned back-side of the beast. The main thing to focus on when facing Wyyyschokk is to stay mobile and never take your eyes of the large enemy spider. Be sure to evade its powerful attacks and move behind and strike its large sack-like body.

Finding Rabid Jotaz in Jedi Fallen Order

The third beast on the list is the Rabid variation of the Jotaz enemy type. This creature is found on the planet Zeffo.

This beast is found close to the crash site landmark on the planet. Head into the large body of water in the middle of the landmark and head towards the normal Jotaz enemy. This enemy will stand on a rocky island and will serve as the first step to finding it’s Rabid counterpart. After defeating the normal Jotaz head to the climbable grates on the island you are standing on. Once climbed head right and open a force field barrier and continue through a metal pathway. You will find a section of the path that can be destroyed with your lightsaber. Attack the pile of rubble and you will find an open pit where the Rabid Jotaz will be circling.

As you engage the Rabid Jotaz be sure to navigate the area to land a powerful jumping attack to knock down some of the enemy’s large health pool. As you fight the beast be wary of its slow-moving attacks. Although the creature has glacial speed it deals massive amounts of damage. The fight will conclude with a brutal chopping off of the Jotaz’s large arms.

Finding Nydak Alpha in Jedi Fallen Order

The final of the Legendary beasts is the powerful Nydak Alpha. This beast is found on Dathomir and is in the sectioned labeled the Treacherous approach. This section of the map is approaching the Tomb at the most northern section of the world.

As you approach the tomb to be sure to head right towards a wall jumping section. After you have traversed the area you will be attacked by the invisible Nydak Alpha. Unlike the other Legendary beasts, the Nydak Alpha is impervious to most parries at a player’s disposal. This fight will require a player to utilize the variety of force attacks in their arsenal and an extremely cautious “stick and move” playstyle.

Be sure to use the powerful lightsaber throw to keep the beast at bay and chip away at his large health pool. After defeating the Nydak Alpha players will be rewarded with the Legendary Beast trophy.

More: Jedi Fallen Order: Who & What Are The Zeffo

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.